Occupational health and safety to prevent occupational diseases
occupational disease, occupational health, safety, systemAbstract
This research addresses the identification and assessment of occupational health and safety to prevent occupational diseases in workers of the Moyobamba Health Network. It was of a non-experimental type, based on the observation of phenomena as they occur in their natural context and then making the respective analysis. To collect the information, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as the main instrument, the sample was 51 workers from the administrative headquarters, to diagnose the risk factors through the perception of the workers and an IPER matrix to identify the dangers and assess the risks. The results showed that the health services network presented 59 potential dangers, of which 27 of them are of important assessment, 22 of moderate assessment and 10 of tolerable assessment; The areas with the greatest probability of an incident being the Office of Sanitary Planning and Intelligence and Collective Health. Likewise, according to the risk factors of a higher level, we have physical, chemical, ergonomic, chemical and mechanical risk.
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