Model of management for the satisfaction of external users in the courts




attention quality, management model, satisfaction of the users


The investigation began in the courts of the province of San Martín - Tarapoto, 2017, where a management model based on Shein's motivation theory was proposed, in order to increase user satisfaction. The study was of a descriptive-propositional type with a non-experimental design, with a sample of 175 individuals, including court users and collaborators, surveyed through a questionnaire created based on the dimensions of the variables. The results showed that 52% of them presented deficiencies in the characteristics of court management, and 7% efficiency; the level of satisfaction of court users was low with 47% and high with 9%. Concluding that the staff presented shortcomings in terms of the characteristics of the management of the courts such as the inappropriate use of their abilities, skills and knowledge, preventing them from reaching a high competitive level, it also states that there is a low level of satisfaction of users, the staff showed deficiencies in providing clear and precise information, lack of attention to user concerns, as well as an inability to discuss problems correctly.


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How to Cite

López-Sánchez, T. del P. (2022). Model of management for the satisfaction of external users in the courts. UNAAACIENCIA-PERÚ, 1(2), e23.