Tax management and property tax collection in the district municipalities of the province of Rioja, Peru
debt control, inspection, tax payment, tax planningAbstract
Contemporary public administration has very complex challenges that range from the analysis and understanding of cultural, regulatory and strategic elements that involve significant change actions so that tax collection is fair and equitable. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between municipal tax management and property tax collection in the district municipalities of the province of Rioja, Peru. A basic study with a quantitative approach and a descriptive correlational design was developed. The study population consisted of 47 workers from the Taxation areas of the municipalities of Rioja; 3 municipalities were selected using the stratified sampling technique, where 30 workers were obtained to whom the questionnaires for collecting information on the corresponding variables were applied. The results obtained through the statistical analysis technique allowed us to determine that the value of the Spearman coefficient was 0.899, and a value of bilateral significance of 0.000 less than the Alpha level of 0.05, thus existing a high and significant positive relationship between Tax Management and Property tax collection.
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