Diagnostic evaluation of linguistic competence in university students in the face-to-face system in a post-COVID 19 context





text reading, oral language, text production


The objective was to identify the level of achievement of linguistic competence in university students who have returned to attendance in a post-COVID 19 context. The research was basic level and descriptive design. The sample was census, 206 entrants to the five study programs of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Alto Amazonas participated. As a data collection instrument for written language and text reading, a dichotomous pedagogical test was used; to diagnose oral language, a Likert scale was used. The results showed that 0.5% of students are in the excellent level, 1.9% very good level and 15.5% good. 39.8% approved with a grade of 10.5 and 42.2% disapproved. Performed the Student's T test = -16.013 with 206 gl and with a p = 0.000, it was concluded that the linguistic competence in university students is good. The university grading system that governs Peru was taken as a reference and is vigesimal, from 0 to 20, with the minimum passing grade being 10.5 equivalent to 11, in which the grade from 14 to 16 are categorized as good.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Castro, A., Huaranga-Rivera, H. V., & Chua-Chua, G. I. (2022). Diagnostic evaluation of linguistic competence in university students in the face-to-face system in a post-COVID 19 context. UNAAACIENCIA-PERÚ, 1(1), e5. https://doi.org/10.56926/unaaaciencia.v1i1.5