Gestión administrativa y habilidades blandas del personal que labora en un hospital público




competencies, leadership, collaborative work, evaluation, communication


The present study explored the relationship between administrative management and the soft skills of the staff of a Peruvian public hospital. These skills, such as leadership, empathy and teamwork, are essential for efficient organizational performance. The main objective was to determine how administrative management influences these interpersonal competencies within the hospital setting. A quantitative, basic, non-experimental design methodology was used. The population included 214 hospital workers, from which a sample of 84 employees was selected by stratified probability sampling. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire validated by Cronbach's Alpha. The analysis was carried out using Spearman's correlation coefficient and SPSS software version 28. The results indicated that the most outstanding dimension of administrative management was leadership (37%), while empathy led among soft skills (40%). However, the correlation coefficient of 0.020 and a p-value of 0.921 showed that the relationship between the two variables is extremely weak and not significant. It was concluded that the lack of alignment between administrative management and soft skills highlights the need for integrated strategies to strengthen them.


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How to Cite

Guiop-Riva, M., Ruiz-Saavedra, F., Solsol-Chávez, J., Arévalo-Cueva, O., Rojas-Utia, D., Cedamanos-Saavedra, N., & Villoslada-Azang, G. (2024). Gestión administrativa y habilidades blandas del personal que labora en un hospital público. UNAAACIENCIA-PERÚ, 3(2), e91.



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