Business intelligence to improve strategic decisions in a Peruvian municipality




data, organizational management, information, Hefesto methodology, decision making


The objective of this research was to determine the influence of business intelligence on the strategic decisions of a Peruvian district municipality. It was an applied, descriptive-explanatory research, with a quasi-experimental design. The sample consisted of 15 users. The techniques applied were the survey and observation, using the questionnaire and the observation form as instruments. The results showed that business intelligence had a significant influence on report generation time, information analysis time and the level of satisfaction of the municipality's users, finding in all cases a significance level (p-value) equal to 0.000, less than the permitted margin of error (0.05). It was concluded that the business intelligence implemented through the Hephaestus methodology significantly influenced the municipality's strategic decisions, with a mean difference of 17 points between the pretest and posttest strategic decisions and a significance level of 0.000, less than 0.05.


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How to Cite

Cotrina-Altamirano, N., Cárdenas-García, Ángel, & Torres-Delgado, W. (2024). Business intelligence to improve strategic decisions in a Peruvian municipality. UNAAACIENCIA-PERÚ, 3(1), e59.



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