Natural fertility of alluvial soils in the Amazon
fertility, essential nutrients, crop production, floodplain soilAbstract
A study was conducted on floodplain-covered soils in the Amazonas, Brazil, to compare the fertility of the soil and assess how chemical attributes are distributed throughout various land-use systems. In five municipalities, samples of soil from pastures, secondary forests, and cultivation fields were collected in three depths. To compare the terraforming systems, 12 nutrients were examined, and an experimental factorial design was used. The findings showed that the soils of the flooplain have high concentrations of macro and micronutrients, highlighting the forests as having the highest levels of fertility and the crops as having the lowest levels of C and N. There were differences in the availability of nutrients between secondary forests and agricultural fields. The majority of the land use systems on display had low levels of C and N, confirming that N is a significant limiting factor for agricultural production in the Amazonian floodplain regions. The findings imply that maintaining the soil's fertility in the Amazonian floodplain zones depends on forest preservation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Juan Daniel Villacis-Fajardo, Luis Alberto Arévalo-López, Ana María Rengifo-Panduro, Nancy Andrea Villacis-Fajardo

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