Case report: Clinostomum sp. infestation in Pterophyllum scalare and use of Prazicuantel and Pamoato of Pirantel for control




metacercaria, parasitism, ornamental fish, treatment


An unidentified parasitic agent was analyzed in a batch of Pterophyllum scalare acquired for the Laboratory of Ichthyology and Ornamental Fish of the National University of Colombia, Bogotá. The batch of animals had been previously raised in earthen ponds. As days went by, during the aquarium quarantine period, a fraction of the lot, corresponding to the Koi variety, began to present abnormal white structures in the fins; structures that had a slow dissemination towards the crown area. To determine the causal agent of this phenomenon, a fin sample was analyzed, identifying the presence of metacercariae of the parasite Clinostomum sp. With this information, an antiparasitic treatment was carried out using a drug for small species based on Praziquantel and Pyrantel Pamoate (Vermiplex® from ZOO Laboratories). The drug was administered orally with a dose of 25 mg total of Praziquantel and 75 mg total in the water; achieving a total recovery of the affected animals by completely disappearing the parasitic structures and not presenting relapses after 20 days from the beginning of the treatment


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How to Cite

Mora-Beltrán, N., Quintero-Pinto, L. G., Cruz Maldonado, O. A., & Cortés-Vecino, J. A. (2024). Case report: Clinostomum sp. infestation in Pterophyllum scalare and use of Prazicuantel and Pamoato of Pirantel for control. Revista Peruana De Investigación Agropecuaria, 3(1), e48.