Evaluation of different rearing densities in improved guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) in the finishing stage in humid tropical conditions





weight gain, health management, economic parameters, productive parameters


In Yurimaguas, raising improved guinea pigs is a family activity that represents a source of economic income. The aim was to determine the optimum rearing density, productive and economic parameters of improved guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) in the finishing stage under humid tropical conditions. 78 improved male guinea pigs were used, distributed by a completely random design in four (4) treatments (T1: 5 guinea pigs, T2: 6 guinea pigs, T3: 7 guinea pigs and T4: 8 guinea pigs) / 0.81m² and 3 repetitions per treatment. The parameters of weight gain, daily weight gain and feed conversion show differences between treatments, the best result was observed in treatment 4, with 318.41g, 11.37g and 6.82 respectively; in the consumption of forage plus guinea pig, in dry matter and carcass yield, no differences were observed between treatments; In the economic parameters, the best net benefit and economic merit was obtained in treatment 4 with a net benefit of S/.79 and an economic merit of 14.1%. We conclude that the best rearing density was in treatment 4, which represents a living space of 0.10m²/guinea pig.


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How to Cite

Tuesta-Hidalgo, J. C. ., Tuesta-Hidalgo, O. A., Zegarra-Álava, K. C. ., & Lancha-Flores, J. R. . (2022). Evaluation of different rearing densities in improved guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus L.) in the finishing stage in humid tropical conditions. Revista Peruana De Investigación Agropecuaria, 1(1), e7. https://doi.org/10.56926/repia.v1i1.7

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