Temporal evaluation of the presence of Dolops discoidalis (Branchiura: Argulidae) on Pseudoplatystoma punctifer (Pimelodidae) in Quistococha, Iquitos – Peru
Branchiurans, ectoparasites, Peruvian Amazonia, spotted tiger shovelnoseAbstract
The study reports the presence of branchiurans parasitizing a breeding stock of 29 Pseudoplatystoma punctifer in Quistococha, Peru. The parasite was identified by detailing its morphometric aspects, calculating its parasitological indices, recording its attachment sites, and correlating the size and weight of the host fish with the abundance of parasites. After analyzing the samples, Dolops discoidalis was identified, which parasitizes the dorsal and ventral part of the body of P. punctifer. The parasitological indices indicated that all hosts were infested during the 12 months of sampling, registering a total of 1143 branchiurans. Positive correlations were reported between the total length (r= 0.58; p<0.05) and weight (r= 0.64; p<0.05) of the hosts and the abundance of parasites. The highest values in the parasitological indices were recorded after several months of exposure to branchiurans without any control, which resulted in a disproportionate increase in the parasite load. The study demonstrates that the behavior and biometry of the hosts, as well as the hydrological season, directly influence the abundance of D. discoidalis. However, it is important to evaluate whether reproductive and environmental factors influence host-parasite relationships in fishponds in the Peruvian Amazon.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Harvey Satalaya-Arellano, Luciano Alfredo Rodríguez-Chú, Carlos Alfredo Tuesta-Rojas, Morgan Ruiz-Tafur, German Augusto Murrieta-Morey

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